
Name: Sarah Hayman

Nicknames: Sar, SarBear, Franklin

Age: 17

Hometown: Oakville, Ontario

# Years Skating: 15

# Years Skating Synchro: 8

# Years on NEXXICE: 3

Ambitions: To win worlds and skate at the Olympics

Favourite Anne Skill: Samba

Favourite Element: No hold and Pivot block

Favourite Competition: Winterfest and Canadians

Favourite Skater: Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir

Favourite Synchro Program (Watched and/or Skated): Nexxice Novice 2015-2016 Fiddler on the Roof (skated), Nexxice Senior 2016-2017 The Widow (watched), Haydenettes 2016-2017 Prince (watched), Les Supremes Novice 2013-2014 Michael Jackson (watched)

Favourite Quote: “Sometimes you don’t realize your own strength  until you come face to face with your greatest weakness”