NEXXICE Senior wins bronze medal at 2017 World Synchronized Skating Championships
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2017-2018 Senior and Junior Try-Outs
Try-outs for the 2017/18 NEXXICE Senior team will be held on Sunday, March 26 and Tuesday, March 28. Additional dates will be posted after the World Championships in Colorado Springs.

Skate Canada names teams for 2017 ISU World Synchronized Skating Championships

Trophy d’Ecosse
We have finished off a couple great weeks of travel, training and competing and are now headed back to Canada ?? Thank you to the amazing audience at Trophy D'ecosse, your enthusiastic support is always a special part of our time in Scotland!

French Cup
We are very excited to have performed our programs for the first time internationally this season, and have found a great focus and drive moving forwards! Congratulations to our competitors; Team Paradise, Rockettes & Team Unique! What an amazing crowd we truly...

NEXXICE Junior at Mozart Cup
Two beautiful performances by the Nexxice Junior Synchronized Skating Team at Mozart Cup! We are so proud of you ??❤️ PC: Synchrophoto.eu

Meet the 2016/2017 Senior Team
2016-2017 Try-Out Schedule
March 23, 7:00-9:00pm, 16 Mile Creek, Oakville (Pad 1)
2016 Skate Canada Synchronized Skating Championships
February 19 – 21
Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex